i took the book and got the photocopy of one of the picture. got the cloth canvas from the button shop and i had the paint with me. draw the outline and kept with me for sometime, as i did not had the courage to fill it up with color.
so i waited and i finally got to meet swarna as i felt is god sent for me. she is from mumbai and had a interest in painting too. i showed the drawing to her and she offered me help to fill up the foliage in the pict. i thanked god and her and i started off the paint in water color. its was tough as water on canvas was the first for me and i took some poster color to mix with as i know to use the tint of the water color not the shadeing part.
and i finished up the painting doing day and night. As promised swarna hepled me with her part too. and i did the finishing touches especially the shading part and all. i had to put the u shaped mark in his forehead , i wanted it in white and she insisted it to be in red , no guessing finally who won.
and i showed it to all the gals for approval and most of them liked. myself content. next thing was to get it framed and i found out one place to do that too.
guess what , who i met near the frame shop . it was our dear teacher Ms Mrinalini comming out from the hotel behind the shop. i didnt know what to do i had the painting and didnt wanted her to see as she approched i giggled off in my useal style. I felt that she was happy to meet me there and asked what i was doing and all and she caught me straight and took the pict from me , and and a short pause she glanced trough and gave me the look. if ever u get to know her u will know what is she as the teacher. so no price for telling what happened.
Did you offer the painting at Guruvayoor??